I am a value driven person who strives to be a great team player, one who is innovative, strategic, patient, empathetic, and hard-working. I leverage my own unique skillsets to bring innovative solutions to complex problems in order to contribute value to the people I engage with.

Outside of building innovative solutions I'm passionate about design, running, bicycling, tennis, hiking, and volunteering.


My Retirement Planner

A full stack two model CRUD application utilizing MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. Retirement Planner allows users to estimate their retirement savings by computing future value of their present investments and scheduled payments. Users also have the ability to save a new retirement plans based on their personal goals.
Login: david
Password: david


MathSolve is a two-player mental math game written in jQuery.


CityViewer allows users to post a description, image, and geolocation of public areas in their city that need public improvement such as potholes, snowy streets, and downed power lines. This is a MEAN application.

Hiking Planner

Hiking Planner was a group-based project that prepares hikers for a safe hike by suggesting proper attire. My contribution was writing the javascript logic based on the OpenWeather api to suggest clothing items.

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